Sunday, December 29, 2013

December is almost over!

So a few weeks back, Laura had a post about her phone taking photos where the lights twinkle or it snows when it actually isn't... I thought that was really strange until I opened up my blogger today to write a short blog and apparently my phone decided that it was snowing the night we went to see tacky lights. It actually did snow/sleet the night we went to see lights, but it didn't start until way later... so December weekends started off with tacky lights, followed by cleaning out the closets, then NYC for a weekend, Christmastown at Busch Gardens, then to MA for a weekend. Holy Moly! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Tacky Lights in Richmond
This house had its own radio station and the lights followed the music
Here is the snow my phone added
Virginia is for lovers

NYC for the weekend!
Tiffany's Tree (sparkly)
Rockefeller Tree - the whole reason I would
venture to NYC in December
Courtney's first NYC Hot Dog
CJ's Adult Booster Seat because the guy in front of me
at Rock of Ages had some really TALL hair

Lunch with my Favorite 3 Month Old


Charlie and Rich
Hiking with the boys
Lobsters for dinner!
Scotty ready for his lobstah
Mmmmm Chowder
Gingerbread windmill
Charlie and Scotty on the merry-go-round
Millie got a Christmas gift!
Afros run in our family
Here is Millie's gift from Aunt Zilla - a little tight

Got to spend Christmas Morning with
Laura and family (oh and Brutus)!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a wonderful end to your 2013!

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