Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cooking for the neighbors!

So, my friend (and neighbor) Amanda had a precious baby girl almost a month ago! As part of a way to serve her and her husband and also to hang out and meet little Mary Virginia, one of her church friends set up a website to bring the family dinners. Anyway, I signed up to bring her, her husband and their son David a meal and last night was my night. So I decided to embark on a meal I had not made before, but was VERY familiar to me - Chicken Parmesan is my FAVORITE!!!

I found a recipe online here which looked pretty easy, so I bought all the ingredients and got ready to make this meal. Tenderize the chicken, dip in egg mixture, dip in breadcrumbs, fry in oil, add cheese and sauce, bake...

I understand you can't really see the chicken, but it's there, I promise!
Also, I forgot to take a picture of the whole finished product last night because I was running behind on time. So instead, you get to see a picture of my leftovers. Annnnd, a treat to me, Amanda's mom was in town, so I got to hang out with her too, even if she couldn't eat the food I brought!

Don't forget the wine!

I also brought salad, garlic bread, and pudding pie for dessert. I thoroughly enjoyed the chicken parmesan and would totally make it again!

Now, for the star of the show who actually slept the ENTIRE time I was there except for these photos when she was crying because she was hungry.

Mary Virginia

Being swaddled by Mommy!


  1. haha, that picture of MV is hilarious. you definitely caught MV in her element.
    the dinner was delicious! a new recipe SUCCESS!
