Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Roadtrip in Review Picture Version - Day 2

Well, we woke up RESTED on day 2, which was great because we had so many GREAT things in store!!!

Excited to begin Day 2

Laura was really excited about buffalo
You know it!
Corn Palace - Yup, it's ALL decorated with Corn!
Here we are posing with the corn

WHAT? It's just a basketball court? LAME!

Corn Ball - it's like a popcorn rice crispy treat

This is what's interesting on the roads of South Dakota

We had no idea what we were going to see here!

Pictures don't even do it a justice, it was so beautiful!

Yup, there's some snow

Oh heyyy! There's Mount Rushmore!


Wyoming, new state number 4 on our trip

Holla Montana!!! (Not a new state for me, but this was the
fifth state we visited)

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