Monday, September 15, 2014

Happppppy Birthday Anna! :)

Alright so I'm a day late on this one, but that doesn't change my excitement about Anna's birthday in any way! :) Yesterday, my friend Anna had a birthday! Last year we celebrated her birthday with a fancy trip to Subway. This year we took a step up and had dinner, a few days earlier, at the new Travinia Italian Kitchen & Wine Bar near Willow Lawn. We met the chef because we totally ordered something NOT on the menu, but he happily obliged and it was pretty good! Then we went back to my house for some cupcakes... Frozen style!

Frozen Cupcakes!!! Complimentary Rings included :)
She's excited! :)
Woot woot!
I am not one of those people who has any sense of style, I pretty much wear solid colors, black, gray and brown and call it a day. This girl, though, I absolutely love to see what cute, fun, and stylish clothes she wears. :) I could only aspire to be that awesome with my clothes or my house or anything really! :) She just always looks so put together!
Cute little piƱata! And a little photo bomb from my neighbor's bike...

Anna loves to have fun, and is always up for a dance party, and she laughs at me because I don't like to dance, but I can be really good at following dance instructions (like the first time we went to her dance class). I just don't like to ad lib my dancing moves. :) I mean this has nothing to do with any of the photos you're about to see, I just thought I'd mention it!

Just a few pictures of some adventures we went on in the past year :) We totally should have taken a photo of when we went Black Friday shopping last year because that was actually awesome. We went in the middle of the day when the mad rush of people was over. Then we ran some errands and it was fun! Such is life, I hope you enjoy these photos! :)
Halloween 2013 :) Charlotte, me, Laura, Anna and Lila
Laura, Anna, Emily (Baby Caleb), and me having some froyo
When Laura was sick with pneumonia :(, we showed up at
her house wearing these :) Oh and I'm pretty sure we're both
smiling in this photo, can you tell?
Anna, Emily, me, and Scott Scott 
Looks like we were both doing some sort of exercise this day!
Let me take a selfie! 
Laura, Anna, and me on our way to North Carolina for the weekend
Anna, me, Emily (Baby Caleb), and Laura
We really tried to spell out love, I think, with sparklers, we had fun anyway :)
Anna, you're such a fun and caring friend, and I'm so glad that I got the chance to celebrate YOU! :) You are great and I hope you had a wonderful birthday, friend! :) 

Happy Happy Birthday, Anna! :)

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