Allow me to tell you in summary of 2015 so far, or at least January to July, (some may end up with their own blogs later if I can EVER catch up)! Also, please note that we have dubbed 2015 the "year of the festivals" and we have been going to SO many! I will try to capture those, too, but there's an awful lot of updates I have to do.
Charlotte visiting Meredith |
Just Millie by the fire, while it snows outside |
Baltimore with Laura to see Miss Sara |
And Peanut |
Raleigh to visit Sarah and Chris (and Adeline)- look at this cutie! :) |
Birthday shenanigans with Bethany and Kristi (not pictured because
she took this lovely photo for me!) |
Annnnd birthday shenanigans with these beautiful ladies! (Anna, me, Kristi and Laura) |
Road trip #1 of the year where I completed my 50 state journey!
More on this later... |
Winery! |
Capital One Picnic with Laura and Sara |
Missing a generation here, but 3 generations of Nemeceks :) |
Bacon Festival #yearofthefestivals |
Richmond Vegetarian Festival #yearofthefestivals |
Savor Virginia #yearofthefestivals |
Busch Gardens Food & Wine Festival #yearofthefestivals |
Juney and me :) |
Family Beach Trip to Sandbridge :) |
Hanover Tomato Festival #yearofthefestivals (not sure I had my
own photos, so I just used Laura's) |
Next up... a more detailed Road Trip #1, August and September happenings...
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