Friday, November 29, 2013

Let Us Give Thanks

Friends and family, I am so thankful for you! While I know I couldn't spend the holiday with everyone, those who I didn't spend it with were in my thoughts for sure.

My Thanksgiving started out on the couch in my pj's watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with Millie.

I got dressed and went to 1st Thanksgiving at the Browning's house. There are always SO MANY OPTIONS, but all the food is so good!

Begin time, temp, and miles

After leaving the south side, I drove to the West End to have 2nd Thanksgiving with my aunt, uncle and cousins. Mmmmm... meatballs! I drove my cousin to Walmart to get one of the door busters at 6pm while I sat in the car and knitted, she went into the madhouse. At 6:15 we got back (yup that's right, 30 minutes for the whole trip) and hung out for a while.

Look at this baby girl! :)

Then I hopped in my car and drove back to the south side for 3rd Thanksgiving with the Stones! The third one was really only dessert, but I got to celebrate with them as they had the big reveal that Keller is having a baby GIRL in April. Becca is having a baby (gender TBD) in January and I gave them each a hand knit hat for their bundles of joy! :) Sadly, I got there too late to see Cole and Caleb before they went to bed, but as always it was a wonderful time of hanging out with the whole fam!

End time, temp and miles
So, almost 80 miles in the Richmond metro area, 3 Thanksgivings, and a VERY full stomach later, I settled down for bed and now I'm ready to start thinking about CHRISTMAS! :)

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