Bright and early the next morning (Sunday), Scott, Papa and I drove to the airport so that Scott and I could fly across the country to Seattle! We get to the airport and there was a LOOOOOONG line to check our bag, but we stood in it for 30 minutes, checked our bags, then continued to security where we encountered ANOTHER long line! After going through security I waited in, yet another, loooong line for Dunkin Donuts coffee, bagels for Scotty and me, and juice for him so he could take is dramamine. By the time I was done waiting in that line our plane was boarding so we hopped on and embarked on our journey!
I didn't actually take this when I was in Seattle this time, but I saw it in my Picasa and I HAD taken this when in Seattle at one point! |
When we got to Seattle my friend Katie picked us up from the airport and we drove to my brother's house! We found somewhere to eat while we waited for Rich and Lea to get home!
Katie and me in front of Rich's house |
After Katie left Rich, Scotty, Charlie and I walked down the street to pick some blackberries! They had cut back the bushes so it was kind of hard to get in there to get any, but we did get like one container full.
Blackberry bushes |
Just a few blackberries that I picked |
This is an artichoke plant... looks cool! |
Then we had Sushi for dinner! Charlie LOVES sushi and he was SO excited when he heard that's what we were having! Scotty had never had sushi... I think the jury is still out on his opinion!
Charlie enjoying his Tempura |
This was the FIRST sushi they got to share... Salmon, Tuna and some other thing, no worries they got a second round! |
Scotty trying sushi |
This is the sushi Rich, Lea and I shared... most of it was good, some of it wasn't my favorite :) |
On Monday, my parents embarked on the same cross country flight as we got to enjoy Seattle for a morning while waiting. We watched sea planes take off and land, we looked at the boats, and of course we played in the fountain!
Sea Planes |
Rich, Charlie and Scotty |
Space Needle, again :) This one I actually took while in Seattle most recently |
These people are all pedaling this moving bar up the hill... kind of cool! |
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