Alert: There aren't so many photos on this one because I TOTALLY forgot to take photos! :(
So after one busy week, I followed it up with ANOTHER one! This time it was all about family! Monday and Tuesday (after canceling plans) I didn't have any plans, so I got my house ready, and all my grocery shopping done in preparation for the family cookout I was having at my house on Saturday. Several grocery store/Costco trips later, I was ready!
Wednesday was my cousin's birthday, so we went to dinner at Mellow Mushroom! Happy Birthday, Junior! Afterwards, I dropped by my friend Anna's house to give her a card for her trip to AFRICA! Then I ended up staying a little while to help her with her packing! We were SUPER productive!
Thursday my parents and nephew came into town. We went to Carytown and had dinner at Water Grill, then walked down to Bev's to get some homemade ice cream. It was all REALLY yummy!
Snapped this photo of my parents busy on their laptops |
Friday I worked from home while my parents, nephew and uncle went and played golf. Anna stopped by to pick up some other things for her trip, then we went to CVS to get her an extra passport photo. That was the last time I was going to see her before she left for Africa!
My parents came home and we went to Old Navy and Staples to go back to school shopping for Scott. We got him lots of clothes, and all his school supplies! Then we picked up Papa and drove down to the diamond to catch the Squirrels game! Lila, Patrick, Kristi and Mike were all at the game, too! So we got to hang for a little while. The Squirrels didn't win, but I think Scotty had a good time at the game!
Saturday was the cookout. Dad and Terry went golfing again. Mom, Scott and I spent the morning in the west end buying Scott a backpack and going to Bed Bath and Beyond for a few other things. After we returned, it was time to get everything ready! So we made some food and set up the tables and chairs! We were just sitting down when Anna texted me and asked if I had a photocopier so she could get a copy of her license. So I got to see her ONE MORE TIME before she left for Africa! Then everyone arrived... no photos but here is who came:
-Mom, Dad and Scott (from MA)
-Jane (Mom's sister), Terry, Kelly and Kaitlin (all from Richmond)
-Richard (Mom's brother) and Rita (they flew down from MA just for this!)
-Anne (Mom's sister) and Pete (they just moved to Ruckersville last year)
-Stephanie (Anne's daughter) and Tom (from DC)
-Anne (Tom's sister from NYC)
-Ivana (Anne's daughter), Matt, Andrew, Gracie and Antonio? (all from Rocky Mount)
After everyone left, mom worked on my tile project and dad sprayed the hornet's nest on my roof :)
Sunday I got up and met Meredith and her mom for brunch downtown. Then I did some sight seeing with Jane, Richard and Rita.
James River |
We saw a heron |
Then we hung out some more and had dinner at Jane and Terry's! We played some spades and then I headed home!
I had a REALLY fun, really busy weekend! Love me some family!